Дипломна работа страница 2
by siv on Jun.10, 2009, under Дипломна
Днес намерих време да публикувам мотивацията към дипломната си работа.
Страница 2 е, защото страница 1 представлява самото съдържание 🙂
Ако имате коментари, ще се радвам да ги споделите
June 10th, 2009 on 21:58
I may say that you have created a pretty good motivation. I like the fact that you`ve informed yourself for innovations in the related area and you stick to the practical side of your research.
Good luck!
June 12th, 2009 on 16:03
As I like to say – Pretty damn good!
I am excited to read the real work with all details which I am sure you will put!
June 17th, 2009 on 15:48
MPI is not my cup of tea but your motivitaion sounds gripping even to people like me.As I like to say- bloody good work:)I’m eager to see you and your whole paper done.
The best of luck